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Ready Made Meals vs Takeaway, What’s the Difference?

Sometimes ready-made meals and takeaways get painted with the same brush. However, they couldn't be farther apart when it comes down to it. While both options offer consumers the convenience factor, they differ dramatically in terms of nutritional value, calories, saturated fats, and delivery costs. Let's explore the difference between frozen ready meals and takeaways according to the following categories: nutritional value, calories, and price. 


Kouks Kitchen Ready Made Meals - Butter Chicken with Basmati

No Need to Sacrifice on Nutritional Value with Ready-Made Meals 

As a general rule, ready-made meals from a reputable supplier will contain more nutritional value. Here at Kouks Kitchen, we pride ourselves on quality meals which are jam-packed with healthy ingredients. Our meals are proudly additive-free, further enhancing their health factor and giving everyone in the family the sustenance they need. A study by Nestle USA confirmed these findings, noting that those who eat frozen meals rather than takeaways from fast food outlets "consumed more essential nutrients" than those eating takeout. Moreover, these participants also consumed less saturated fat, which can cause a plethora of health problems, including high cholesterol. 

Ready-Made Meals Can Keep Calories Low 

Ready-made meals usually have fewer calories since consumers know what ingredients they're eating. The Nestle USA study found that adults who consumed frozen ready meals typically consumed "253 fewer calories per day than fast food eaters and ate 25% more total vegetables and 61% more whole grains." As such, frozen ready meals are a healthier and less calorie-dense option. At Kouks Kitchen, health-conscious foodies can search various health categories such as Low Carb, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fish, and Soup. 

Cost: Both 

Determining the cost-benefit of ready-made meals vs takeaways will depend on several factors. Takeaway meals can get pricey very fast, especially when factoring in delivery apps and tips. This is where frozen ready meals from Kouks Kitchen offer an advantage since customers can pay a flat delivery rate of R80 and enjoy free delivery for orders over R3000. Ultimately, the cost will depend largely on the type of takeaways versus the type of ready meals. Nonetheless, very cheap takeaway options won't contain the same level of nutritional value and goodness as healthy ready-meal options. When considering cost, consumers should also think about the value they're getting from enjoying quality meals. 

The Verdict 

Deciding between frozen ready meals and takeaways is a personal decision. While takeaways can be fun for the family every now and then, they're not the most viable option for everyday meals. This is where the team at Kouks Kitchen steals the show. We provide healthy, delicious meals at an affordable price to ensure that everyone is getting the nutrition they need to flourish. With so much diversity on our menu, we'll also ensure that supper stays exciting! 

Explore Our Delicious Ready-Made Meals 

If you're ready to up your nutrition game and add a variety of delicious quick and easy meals to your culinary mix, get in touch with our team. We'll happily welcome you to the Kouks Kitchen family with open arms. Order from our menu and enjoy 15% off your first order!